
Google Business View

Your 3D virtual tour creation is just the first step towards engaging your customers online.


Show your full infrastructure and Location to your Customers through Google Search, Google Maps and Google+. Google Business photos take traditional photographs to the next level. The online virtual tours comprise of photos taken by photographers trained and certified by Google. Their still photographs are incorporated into 360-degree views using panoramic camera technology.

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Google Business View

Add in your website Google Maps Business View Virtual tour. Business View is a powerful tool which has been created by Google to ensure your business shows up well in Google Search, on Google Maps, Google Street View and Google+.

Where can I see that ?

VirtualTours we shoot for you will be appear on Entire Google Platform which includes Google, Google Maps, Google+ Local etc. Not only that but it also appears on the Mobile platform as well where you have Android Or Apple based devices it works flawlessly.


Get Instant INCREASE in Business through our Google virtual tour. Customers are immediately invited to view the virtual tour via the prominently placed 'See inside' button. In one click, customers are inside. It couldn't be more intuitive, prominent or quicker to access our virtual tours.

Google Maps

The people who will be using Google maps for searching can use the following method to do so and to help them out there will be a large 'See inside' button on the left side of the Google Maps screen page. Your business and virtual tour will be more highlighted by placing a bright orange dot on Google Maps to attract customers searching for businesses in any given area. Simply drag and hold 'Pegman' (Pegman is the small human figure in google maps page in yellow orange color) over the dot to see a preview of the business and access the tour. We will try to put in all our knowhow and efforts to help our customers stand out over their competition.


  • We will also place the virtual tour onto businesses Google+ and Google Local page so that you are shown in a prominent manner.
  • Google+ is the world's fastest growing social networking page and thus future proofing your business ahead of the competition.
  • Customers searching via Google Local or seeking 'more info' can also access the tour quickly and easily.
  1. We welcome any enquiry, questions or feedback